Press Releases
- July 7th, 2023 - Fairbrook United Methodist Church receives $69,500 from West Penn Power Sustainable Energy Fund
Fairbrook United Methodist Church has been a part the community for over 140 years. The original Meek’s Church site is still in use at the corner of Tadpole Rd and Whitehall Rd. The name was changed to Fairbrook United Methodist Church during its tenure there. We moved to a new building in 1993 to accommodate a growing congregation and to better serve the needs of our community. Located at 4201 W. Whitehall Rd, Fairbrook UMC offers special community events in addition to worship services, Sunday school and special services. Events held at the Church include Easter egg hunt; rabies clinic; voter polling place, blood drives, Vacation Bible School, 4-H club meetings, community exercise sessions, food bank and Out of the Cold collections.
The West Penn Power Sustainable Energy Fund (WPPSEF) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that invests in the deployment of sustainable energy technologies that benefit West Penn Power ratepayers in Pennsylvania. WPPSEF investments are focused in three broad categories:
- Deployment of sustainable and clean energy technologies;
- Deployment of energy efficiency and conservation technologies; and
- Facilitating economic development, environmental betterment, and public education as they relate to sustainable energy deployment in the WPP service region.
Visit for further information. Or, visit them on YouTube to listen to what our project partners have to say.
Media Contacts
- Patti Hartle, Fairbrook United Methodist Church, 814-571-8289;
- Barbara Robuck, West Penn Power Sustainable Energy Fund, 814-865-7380,