We are really glad you're checking us out!
Feel free to explore the church at your own pace! We really just want you to relax and enjoy what we have to offer to see if we're the right place for you. Know that you are welcome at Fairbrook and that we want to provide a safe place where we can all experience God and learn what God has to say.
At Fairbook, we have people with wide-ranging backgrounds - put we are still people! We have questions and struggles, as well as victories and joys! We are all learning to put God back in the equation. So please, don't let anything that has happened in the past worry you here - nobody is too messed up for God!
We Are A Place Of

We want to help build lasting relationships. We desire to strengthen individuals, marriages, and families in their relationships to God, the church, each other and to God's world. Our circle of friendship and care is ever-widening. We'd love for it to include you, too.

The study of the Bible is vital because it instructs us intellectually and guides us spiritually. Learning about God's life is a thrilling adventure. Every person at every age level is offered a wealth of opportunities - special programs and ministries for children, youth, adults and families. You can be sure in this kaleidoscope of activities there's more than one place where you can be personally enriched.

For Jesus Christ came "not to be ministered unto, but to minister." We accept our responsibility to reach out in service to others. We understand that we are called to be missionally engaged with our community and our world.

This, of course, is our primary reason to meet together. We love to focus our attention on God, giving God our worship and receiving God's blessings and inspiration. Each time we meet to worship is a special time of spiritual enrichment and joy!
Sundays at Fairbrook

Just relax, get comfortable, and please make yourself at home! We really just want everyone to have a good experience in church on Sundays!
Dress is casual for the service and most people will be in what can be considered "business casual" - khakis and polo shirts for the men, slacks/skirts and blouses for the women. You will see a bit of a range of outfit styles on Sunday mornings, so really whatever you're comfortable in will probably fit in just fine.
Services are meaningful, fun, Christ-centered, and last for about an hour. The people here are genuine and friendly, but not pushy. We just want you to be able to connect with God and with others here at your own pace.
What will happen?
There are two, main entrances to the building - one leading into the narthex behind the sanctuary (left-most entrance) and one leading into the social hall (right-most entrance). If you are attending Sunday School, most of our classes meet either in the social hall or in classrooms just off the social hall. Sunday school gets going around 9:15 a.m. or a little afterwards. NOTE: Between mid-June and early September, we shift to a summer schedule with no Sunday School and just a Worship service. Check the calendar for details.
Our musicians begin playing before our worship service in the sanctuary. Once it begins, you'll hear a couple short announcements about what's going on at Fairbrook and about some of our upcoming events followed by a time of greeting. We usually move on to one or two songs of worship - either from our hymnals or contemporary songs projected on the wall - followed by a responsive reading. After the children's sermon, the kids are invited to go back to the nursery for the remainder of the service.
After a time for our tithes and offerings, we have another song of worship followed by a time of congregational prayer. Folks are encouraged to pray aloud or silently during this time. Sermons are meaningful, Bible-based, Christ-focused, and inspirational that will hopefully impact not only your week but your life. Another song of worship is sung before a closing prayer and benediction. After the service, folks are invited to the social hall for coffee and a light snack to continue their time of fellowship.

Just Relax
While it's always a little weird or awkward being in a new place with new friends for the very first time, our goal is really to be a no-pressure place where no one is singled-out or embarassed. No one will make you stand up and introduce yourself, ask you for money, or ask you to do anything that might make you uncomfortable. We do have contact cards for folks to fill out and put in the offering plate as it is passed, but you certainly don't have to if you don't want to! In fact, you can remain completely anonymous and just check things out if you want. We really just want you to feel comfortable.
Children's Activities on Sunday
As mentioned before, your children are always welcome to attend the main worship service with you or they can participate in our nursery and children's programs, which is always LOTS of fun for them! The nursery, which follows the United Methodist Church Safe Sanctuary Guidelines, is available for infants and toddlers through preschool-age children.